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Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca

"Growth hormone (GH) deficiency in patients with HIV-related lipodystrophy compared to hypopituitary patients: functional or real impairment?"
Dott.ssa Chiara Diazzi. Relatore: Prof. Vincenzo Rochira

"Produzione, purificazione e caratterizzazione di hCGH - Effetti di LH e hCG sulle cellule di Leydig"
Dott.ssa Laura Riccetti. Relatore Prof.ssa Manuela Simoni

"Genetic background of central hypogonadotropic hypogonadism"
Dott. Marco Marino. Relatore: Prof.ssa Manuela Simoni

“Genetic background of central hypogonadotropic hypogonadism”. 
International Dcotorate School in Clinical and Experimental Medicine. XXVI Cycle. 

Dott. Marco Marino. Relatore: Prof.ssa Manuela Simoni

“Growth hormone (GH) response to GH-Releasing Hormone-Arginine (GHRH+Arg) test in women affected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-related lipodystrophy”. 
Doctorate School in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Course of Hepatogastroenterological, Endocrinological and Immunoallergological Sciences. XXII Cycle. 

Dott.ssa Lucia Zirilli. Relatore: Dott. Vincenzo Rochira